Friday, January 15, 2010

Toddler-hood to Preschooler

As of Saturday, my baby girl is now a preschooler. We celebrated Julianna's 3rd birthday at Art Beast Studio with family and close friends. The kids were painting, molding moon sand, making ornaments, and running. We ate delicious custom cupcakes from Courtney. Overall, the day was a beautiful success.

Now I've realized, although its just another year, she is growing up and not slowing down. My mind races as I imagine the upcoming milestones ie. kindergarden, high school, prom, graduation, college, grandkids; does life ever pause, wait I wasn't ready for it to happen so fast. I just want to hold her tight and protect her forever.

So I have heard it a million times to cherish the days of when they are young "cause they grow up so fast." Every day is special but so are the milestones. I have never wanted to hold my children back selfishly; independence, strength, and adventure I foster in my kids in hopes they become admirable, happy, productive members of society. Julianna first crawled at 6 months. There was no magic to it I got down on the floor with her to cheer her on, her courage was astonishing to me. I wasn't disappointed I couldn't carry her around everywhere or that I would have to chase her. In fact I was elated, Julianna trusted me to always be by her side, herself and her strength, and her world around her.

So this new desire to hold her close is silly of me since I've always been the woman by her side to support her and encourage her curiosity of it all. I know I'll always be her best friend, I just happen to remember her first smile.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Project 622

I would have a much easier time writing a to-do list of 1001 things to do in 10 days. But the goal isn't to do things I do everyday. I must remain focused as we know this list is for me not the mom in me. In creating a list of things to do for me, I have discovered how important it is to never lose focus of that person that makes me the loving, fun, nurturing mom that I am and consistently try to remain.

So I have come up with 60 things to do before 6-22-2011; hence Project 622. These things are the things I have done in the past and have a strong passion for (#1) or things I've never been able to accomplish (#40), even those things that I can never seem to find the time for (#11).

I hope that you will enjoy reading the stories as I mark things off the list. I know I will thoroughly enjoy sharing the many adventures ahead of me.

Project 622

  1. Take horseback riding classes
  2. Compete in a horse show
  3. Renew my passport
  4. Work out 4 days in 1 week
  5. Lose that 30 lbs of “baby” weight
  6. Be happy if I don’t
  7. Get 8 hours of sleep for 1 week
  8. Go on girls’ vacation
  9. Join the community garden
  10. Join a book club
  11. Start by reading “The Measure of a Man” Sidney Poitier
  12. Finish the baby albums
  13. Have 3 month of living exp in savings
  14. Unpack all boxes in garage
  15. Take a ballet class
  16. Get credit score
  17. Improve credit score
  18. Create album of Great-Grandma’s favorite recipes
  19. Get another tattoo
  20. Knit Amaya a baby blanket
  21. Take photography class
  22. Take a family portrait
  23. Take a Polynesian dance class
  24. Buy new pair of black stilettos
  25. Dinner date to wear new shoes
  26. Buy shelf for office library
  27. Complete a puzzle
  28. Host an elegant dinner party
  29. Take a peaceful bath once a week
  30. “Beautification day” once a week
  31. Grow backyard strawberry patch
  32. Celebrate Mardi Gras 2011
  33. Buy a bike
  34. Take my bike to Angels’ Island
  35. Go hiking
  36. Bake and frost a birthday cake from scratch
  37. Renew CPR for infant/child
  38. Spend more time at the beach
  39. Volunteer
  40. Buy a set of Egyptian cotton sheets
  41. Spend a morning in bed
  42. Run a mile
  43. Book a vacation from TravelZoo’s weekly deals
  44. Learn how to play Poker
  45. Get a massage
  46. Organize game night
  47. Brush up on French language
  48. Write a letter in French
  49. Finish a cross-stitch project
  50. Tour State Capitol
  51. Play a game of 9-hole golf
  52. Ride San Francisco’s cable car
  53. See a 3-D movie at IMAX
  54. Eat at a new restaurant
  55. Trip to Vegas
  56. Day trip to San Francisco Zoo
  57. Ride in a yacht
  58. Host a bake sale
  59. Celebrate when list is complete to this point
  60. Start a new list that includes trip to see Great Wall of China

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Courtney's List

Oh my gosh, I never imagined I could meet such an amazing person via this nifty internet thang. I absolutely LOVE her, 101 Things to do in 1001 Days, list; so much so that I wanted to start crossing off the things I've done. But that's called plagiarism and lame.

No but starting my own list would feel great and all credit due to this mysterious twitter friend, Courtknee.

For me to create my own list would be a way to remind me that I'm not just a mom, housekeeper, cook, tutor, personal assistant; I am Dominique.

Thank you friend of a friend's friend, Courtkneerawks.