Crocker Art Museum, downtown Sacramento, has two events a month specifically for preschoolers, Second Saturday Art and Wee Wednesday. Memberships starting at a minimal cost, along with numerous community sponsored admission days including each Sunday sponsored by Bank of America.
The month of November Saturday theme was Storytelling which included different textured paper and paint. The idea was to create scrapbook pages but Julianna decided she just wanted to paint that day. Oh yes fingerpainting including, btw, acrylic paint does not wash off skin easily.
The month of December Saturday theme was Eat Your Art. I would have never guessed it was decorating cookies and cupcakes with different colored frosting and tips. Julianna created a multicolored mountain on top of a chocolate chip cookie then proceeded to eat the mountain. The kids also decorated the plates creating flowers, polka dots, and butterflies.
December Wee Wednesday, we observed the painting "Aqua Form" which consisted of wavy, twisting lines. The kids were provided the materials to recreate the 3D form with a styroform cube, twisted pipe cleaners, bendaroos, beads, wire ribbon pieces. The kids made silly swiggly pieces of their of own.
The staff at Crocker Art encourage creativity and there are no boundaries to what kids are allowed to do. I have found the perfect place to take my adventurous, imaginative, independent, yet cautious toddler. It doesn't matter if they want to cut lines in the paper the entire time or put frosting on their napkin, Crocker Art Museum nurtures every aspect of art in children.
Meet you at Crocker Art Museum next month.